Trend Micro stories - Page 19

Social media talkers = victims of cyber stalkers
Sat, 28th Sep 2013
data privacy
personal computing devices
Kiwis' love of sharing personal information on social media leaves them vulnerable to cyberstalking, warns Greg Boyle of Trend Micro.

Are young Kiwis prone to Facebook security breaches?
Fri, 20th Sep 2013
trend micro
The younger Kiwis are, the more careless they are when it comes to security on social media, according to an eye-opening survey by Trend Micro this month.

#Socialmediaruinedmylife – How not to regret using social media
Tue, 17th Sep 2013
trend micro
Many have ruined their reputations and damaged their careers after posting inappropriate material on social networks.

Kiwis float like a butterfly but get stung on social media
Sat, 7th Sep 2013
trend micro
social media
68% of New Zealand's social butterflies sting by online threats, despite their sunny online disposition, says Trend Micro.

Top mobile tip.... don’t speak too loudly in public
Fri, 6th Sep 2013
personal computing devices
Mobile phones and in particular smartphones have been a revelation with regards to staying in touch when we are out and about.

Has social media #ruinedyourlife...?
Wed, 4th Sep 2013
trend micro
There are many among us who have ruined their reputations and damaged their careers after posting inappropriate material on social networks...

It pays to know who your Facebook Friends are...
Wed, 28th Aug 2013
personal computing devices
A journalist's close call with a cunning Facebook phishing scam highlights the perils of unfamiliar friend requests and the need for vigilance.

Expect more Android security issues this year…
Thu, 8th Aug 2013
Trend Micro forecasts a surge in Android security threats, with malicious app numbers set to top 1m this year, outpacing PC malware growth.

Is your Android phone stale…?
Mon, 29th Jul 2013
trend micro
How can a phone be stale and how can you tell? It’s not like bread where you can squeeze it and tell it’s stale because it’s hard and know it’s not good to eat.

Why taking down Apple's Developer site was a good idea...
Fri, 26th Jul 2013
personal computing devices
If we had more companies respond to breaches in this way, we (technology, privacy, security and cyber threats) would be much better off as an industry.

The dangers of SnapChat...
Fri, 19th Jul 2013
personal computing devices
trend micro
This message will self-destruct in five seconds. That’s the premise behind SnapChat and is hailed as the new Instagram...

Kiwi women chase online instant thrills
Fri, 7th Jun 2013
digital entertainment
New Zealand women are jeopardising their online security following instant thrills such as intimate lingerie and adult toys.

Trend appoints Soft Solutions as MSP distributor
Thu, 6th Jun 2013
trend micro
soft solutions
Trend Micro teams up with Soft Solutions, tapping it as MSP distributor for SMB security solutions, introducing flexible monthly billing.

Zero-day security attacks reach Judgement Day
Wed, 24th Apr 2013
trend micro
Recent security attack in South Korea shows zero-day vulnerabilities remain while attack innovations are growing in sophistication, intensity and severity.

NZ ranks 7th in smartphone privacy risk
Fri, 25th Jan 2013
data privacy
New research reveals when it comes to smartphone app use, New Zealand has been ranked 7th in the top 10 countries at risk of privacy exposure.

Seek outcomes over technology
Mon, 7th Jan 2013
trend micro
Forget the technology. Resellers need to think first about the outcome required by customers, Trend Micro’s Peter Benson tells Heather Wright.

Securing business in the information age
Thu, 3rd Jan 2013
wireless networks
personal computing devices
Security is perhaps never so high in the public conscience as it is today, thanks largely to the high-profile blunders by several government agencies.

Securing virtual environments key for channel
Fri, 23rd Nov 2012
partner programmes
trend micro
Channel partners urged to prioritise security in virtual environments to unlock revenue and gain a competitive edge, says Trend Micro.

Seek outcome over technology
Wed, 21st Nov 2012
partner programmes
cloud services
Resellers must prioritise customer outcomes over merely selling tech solutions, emphasises Trend Micro's Peter Benson, advocating an outcome-driven approach.

Android under security siege
Thu, 8th Nov 2012
personal computing devices
trend micro
Malware targeting Android users increased nearly six-fold during the three months ending September according to Trend Micro.